
Directed Research In Digital Humanities

Learning Objectives/ Outcome

In this course, students will conduct an user experience design research project by utilizing the concepts, theories, and skills of digital humanities. Students will learn how to independently and collaboratively design and execute an advanced user experience design project. Individual students will produce one web-document reporting the design process in detail and one final report for publication.

UX Design Research Interest


Meetings + Weekly Schedule

Weekly 1-hour online meeting unless a different communication time is individually scheduled in the beginning of the quarter. We will use Zoom or Discord.


  1. CITI certificate (because UX research is human-related research)
  2. Web documentation that presents the project development and outcome by process.
  3. Weekly meeting with a collaborators, what you planned to do, what you did, and the issue you need a help
  4. Final report (in APA style) ready to be published, which contains the project motivation + literature review + user research + design/prototyping + evaluation (evidence of the iterative user-centered process) + discussion + references.

Collaborators (2022W)

Collaborators (2022F)

Collaborators (2020F)

Collaborators (2020S)

:: 2020 Spring Studentwork Showcases ::

Collaborators (2020W)